Sci Fi movies have always envisioned a wild and crazy future for us. Flying cars, glittery spandex, and of course robots to do all the chores that no one likes. “Welcome to the almost future!” Waypoint Real Estate Group is happy to share with you some lovely robots that can make your holiday season easy […]
Have a Holly Jolly
Rocking the Holiday on a Budget
We are in the midst of the holiday season. Family, friends, snowflakes and the magic of the season are all around us, and so are increasingly tight budgets. Yikes! What’s a festive celebrator to do? While the holidays do generally mean there will be some extra spending ahead, with careful planning and smart thinking you […]
Global Housing Market
Home Resort Living
Have you always wanted to call a vacation resort “home”? Well, thanks to the Encore Club at Reunion, your fantasy is now a reality. Waypoint Real Estate Group boasts many properties in the greater Orlando area, an area where fun and attractions are truly around every corner- Universal, Disney, Legoland, Kennedy Space Center, and oh […]
What’s in a window?
When was the last time you had your windows replaced? Not sure? This is probably a sign that your windows aren’t as energy efficient as they can be. Waypoint Real Estate Group knows that energy efficient homes make for a great buying and selling point, not to mention they do wonders for your electric bill. Curious […]
Home Equity Lines of Credit Hit Highs
Waypoint Real Estate Group understands the importance of growing equity in your home. Aside from being your “home”, it is after all, an investment. Recovery in the real estate market has allowed many Americans to be on the positive side of equity in their homes. As a result, lenders have seen an increase in the […]
Millennials on the Move
Waypoint Real Estate Group recognizes the importance of the millennial generation in the housing market. With nothing but opportunity on the horizon, we are here and ready to serve. Millennials face different challenges Because millennials have not entered the housing market as early as previous generations, rumors have surfaced that Millennials are lazy freeloaders living […]
Final Walk-Through Inspection
Buying your new home has been an exciting journey and you are almost to the end. It’s time for your final walk-through inspection! Waypoint Real Estate Group knows that your excitement is building and you are probably daydreaming of how good those shiny new keys are going to look on your keychain. It’s great to […]
Add Balance to your Life with Cozi!
Do you ever find it challenging to balance family, career, and personal time? Life can be chaotic and Waypoint Real Estate group understands. It can be tough to coordinate soccer practice, ballet, after school activities, work, and chores and still get dinner on the table. That’s where and come in to save the […]