Meet the Neighbors

NeighborsMoving day has come and gone and now that you are settled into your new home you might be asking yourself, “Are we the only people who live in this neighborhood or what?” Don’t worry; chances are you didn’t move into a ghost town. Or maybe, on the flip side, you are intimidated because it looks like everyone already knows each other and you aren’t sure how you’ll fit in. Trust Waypoint Real Estate Group when we say that it is worth it to get out and meet the neighbors. Being a part of a community offers many benefits from friendship to security to pot-roast. So, are you ready to meet the neighbors?

Welcome home

-Start off on the right foot by being a good neighbor from the get-go. Make sure your moving van isn’t blocking anyone’s driveway. Keep your moving trash off the curb until trash day so that it isn’t an eyesore for those driving by. If anyone offers to help you or brings you a gift be sure to send a thank you card.

-Knock on doors. Your neighbors might be holding off knocking on your door because they are afraid of intruding. Take the first step and knock on their door. Let them know your name and where you’re from. Try to find something you have in common that you can bring up next time you see each other.  As always, be considerate when you stop by. Don’t stop by late at night or early in the morning if you’ve noticed your neighbors have children.

-Get active and involve yourself in a community group. Join a jogging club, take part in a team sport, find a book club or volunteer at the local community or rec center. If you go somewhere you are interested in you are bound to find people with common interests.

Be the welcome wagon

Have you noticed a “for sale” sign in your neighborhood change to “sold”? Well, it’s time to get neighborly and do your fair share to help grow your community.

-Stop in and introduce yourself. Pay attention to when you see the moving trucks leaving and be considerate to not stop by too soon. After a few days your new neighbors should be a little more settled. After a week they are probably starting to grow curious about you too, so go ahead and say hello. Remember to be mindful of other’s time. Plan on a quick introduction, try to find a common bond (a love for animals, a favorite team etc.) and then plan to catch up again soon. Make sure your first introduction is no stress and no pressure.

-Bake cookies to drop off. Everyone loves cookies. This is a nice way to show a goodwill gesture without the formality of a time commitment. You can always pop in and drop off snacks with a promise to see each other again soon.

-Continue to say “hello.” Now that you’ve had a formal introduction make sure you always say hey and ask how things are going when you run into each other down the line.

According to a survey from 2007, the average American moves 11.7 times in their lifetime. With such a staggering statistic it seems likely that at some point you are going to need to meet the neighbors! Let Waypoint Real Estate Group help you find your dream home so that you can focus on getting settled in your new community.


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